If you decide to back them, please leave a comment on their campaigns comment page that you found their project through IamABacker.com , Thank you.
You can Download our new app; I am A Backer and follow IamABacker on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS to be notified of any updates.
HOT CREAM! We passed our minimum target goal of $2 million in just one day. We passed our next milestone of $3 million in just one week. Now we've got until April 24th to make Super Troopers 2 the best movie it can be.

And here’s the other thing: to get Super Troopers 2 a wide release – to get it into a theater near YOU – we need to prove that there’s a real demand to see it, and not just a dozen stoners who keep asking for it over and over.
Our most important goal is to make the version of Super Troopers 2 you’ve been waiting for. The more we raise, the more we’ll be able to spend on production.
A: If we could afford to fund our own movie, we would. But the truth is, we can’t. We’re just normal guys who put their underwear on one foot at a time. (Well, except Stolhanske. He’s got a peg-leg.) In order to get this movie made, it’s going to take a village. And what could be more fun than living in a grassy hut together? Ok, that could get a little stinky. But seriously, we’re crowdfunding to make the best damn film possible for you bonediddlies. We love you guys, we love what we do, and we want you to be part of that with us.
A: $2 million could be enough to help make the most basic version of Super Troopers 2, which would just be us putting on our uniforms and counting Farva’s mustache hairs for 82 minutes… but that’s not the movie we’ve been waiting to make. If we can raise a lot more, we can make a movie you’ll love even more. More stunts, more famous actors who can actually act, more explosions and chase scenes, and more goddamn shenanigans that’ll make the movie great. For 92minutes!
Q: Is a studio running this Indiegogo campaign with you?A: Not really. In fact, their lawyers wanted to make sure that we clearly stated the following: "Broken Lizard is solely responsible for these messages and fulfilling these obligations. No one else had anything to do with the creation of this page or with the campaign." (Which is true. Any bad jokes are ours too.)
A: We've always wanted to make a sequel... but first, we also wanted to run from a killer on an island resort and chug beers against Germans. After that, we had to get permission from the studio, write an awesome script and then wait for lawyers to schedule a shitload of conference calls. Then when we learned about Indiegogo, we realized we could give you guys the chance to help us make Super Troopers 2 now. And Bob's your uncle.
You can Download our new app; I am A Backer and follow IamABacker on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS to be notified of any updates.

So what's in it for you? (Aside from a bigger, better, bearf**kier sequel?)
Let's talk about STRETCH GOALS. For every $250K we raise, starting at $3 million, we'll be able to give you new perks, upgrades and incentives for free. Take a look...

Join us and make SUPER TROOPERS 2: the time is meow!

We’re Broken Lizard.
Several moons ago, we made a little indie movie called Super Troopers, which we debuted at Sundance in 2001. We’re proud of how it turned out and apparently it struck a chord with many of you out there because almost daily we get asked “Who wants a mustache ride?” ("Who doesn’t?") or “Did you chug real maple syrup?” ("Yes, and we will never, ever, ever do it again.") or “How is the view from sugar heaven?” ("Sweet.")
But more than anything else, we get asked:
Well, guess what chickenfuckers?
We finally have an answer.
We finally have an answer.
We’ve been waiting for years to do this, and meow the time has come. Our mustaches are thick, furry, and authoritative. The script is written and we’re getting all antsy in our pantsy to start shooting. There’s just one problem:
While the studio has given us permission to make the sequel, and agreed to distribute it (at least in the USA and Canada), we need to fund the movie ourselves.
So this is how it works: if we’re able to raise at least $2,000,000 in the next month, we’ll be able to get to work on a barebones version of Super Troopers 2 this summer. But $2,000,000 is the bare minimum we’ll need to get into production.
We’ve got some big stuff in the script, and if we’re able to raise enough money, you’ll get to see all of it. The more we raise, the more amazing stuff we can put in the movie. More action, more cameos, more shenanigans, and fine, more Farva.
And here’s the other thing: to get Super Troopers 2 a wide release – to get it into a theater near YOU – we need to prove that there’s a real demand to see it, and not just a dozen stoners who keep asking for it over and over.
That means: the more people who contribute to help make the movie, the better our chances of getting a wide release, and coming to a theater where you can enjoy our new shenanigans in their full, cinematic splendor.
First, we’re going to rub the money all over ourselves, just like Demi Moore inIndecent Proposal. Then, we’re going to kiss each and every dollar bill. Then we’ll fill a pool with the money and do backstrokes through it. Then we’ll bury the money and agree to tell no one about it. Then we’ll turn on each other and make accusations. Eventually, we’ll be forced to put the money in a bank.
But once the money is safely in the hands of a responsible adult – our producer – every single dollar will go entirely to making a kick-ass movie. Also creating and shipping the cool gifts we’re sending you. But mostly to the movie.

Here’s what that could mean for you:
- The ability to hire someone who knows how to operate a camera.
- Bathrooms for the women on set (men will still have to use the woods).
- Bigger stunts.
- Fancier cars to chase.
- Louder explosions.
- Cameos from real Hollywood actors.
- More bearfucking (or as Erik’s mom likes to call it ‘making out with the bear’): this time, with real bears and real reciprocation!
- More powdered sugar.
- More full-frontal Farva.
- Diamonds on the soles of our shoes.
- More sexy 70’s icons playing women in positions of authority. (Don’t you want to see Lee Majors in a wig?)
- Kate Upton.

Can we talk? We know that aside from a hilarious movie, you also want some cool perks. Well, our perks are so good they might change your political views.
- If you help us get it made now, you shouldn’t have to pay again to see it later. Whatever you contribute now doesn’t just go into someone’s pocket as profit: it lets us make a better movie for you. Why wait and pay later with the rest of the crowd? Most of our perk packages let you see your movie when it comes out: get Fandango Movie Tickets ($35 package and above), DVDs and Blu-Rays ($150 package and above), and add the digital download as an add-on (just $25).
- It’s your sequel too, so you should be able to share the experience. You’re the reason we’ve spent so long trying to make this movie, and you’re the reason we’ll get to make it now, so we want you rookie beeyatches to be right in there with us. We’ve got big plans for behind-the-scenes access, and our perks include set visits, chances to be in the movie, tickets to an exclusiveadvance screening tour, or even to join us at one of the red carpet premieres and afterparties! We’ll show you how Lizards make a movie. It might get weird.
- We want to hang out with you bearf**ckers. We love how much you guys love Super Troopers, and we love getting to chill with you. So we’ve got some fun stuff planned for the next year: maybe Farva will Skype with you while he’s stuck in the trunk. (What else is he going to do?) Join us in a private luxury box to catch a baseball game, or meet up with us in LA to grab some pancakes or a few drinks. Or, for the brave, come drink against us at our first ever Broken Lizard Beerfest Tournament. We’ll kick your ass, but we’ll respect you in the morning.
And for our top contributors, we’re willing to go that extra mile.
- Take over our set. Want to hang out behind the camera and help Jay direct? We’ll let you call action. Prefer to pad out your IMDB page with an on-screen credit as one of our producers? Done. Prefer to be in front of the camera? We’ve got a speaking line with your name on it. (That’s right: we’re offering the chance to be in Super Troopers 2! That’s how serious we are!!!)
- We’ll come to you. That’s right. Kick back, relax, and forget about the hassles of travel: we’ll get on a plane and come to you. Have us perform a private stand-up show for you and your 100 closest friends. Or invite us to your wedding, and all five of us will join you at the altar as your groomsmen (or bridesmaids, ladies, if you prefer).
- Keep the cruiser. If you want a once-in-a-lifetime offer, how does this sound? We’ll let one of you keep the patrol car we use on screen in Super Troopers 2. Think of the shenanigans you’ll get up to with your own (fake) cop car. Not to mention the roadtrips. It’ll be epic.
Check out all of the perk packages you can grab below, and keep checking back until the campaign ends. We’ll add at least a few more surprise perks as we think of them, and if you’ve got requests, we might even add a few of those too, so let us know in the comments.
(But listen: if you watched the video and actually want Farva to f**k your wife for $100, you have problems. He’ll do it, but you have some serious problems.)- Stalk us all over the internet. We’re still on MySpace, but you can also hang out with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Whosay, Meerkat, Grindr or whatever came out this morning. Get extra karma and LIKE whatever we post, and you’ll be helping your friends discover the greatest crowdfunding campaign they’ll ever join. Yes. It’s the greatest.
- Annoy the ever loving shit out of your friends: we need to reach as manySuper Troopers fans as we can, and we can’t do it alone. Following us? Help us spread the word. Repost our stuff. Or post your own. We’ll share stuff you can post, and if you make your own cool stuff, let us know and we’ll share it.
- Make everyone watch Super Troopers: if your friends love Super Troopers, throw a screening party. If you have friends who don’t love Super Troopers, they’re clearly foreign spies who went to a charm school run by fools. Super Troopers is a national treasure. Make your spy friend watch the movie until they love it. Then make them come to this page and give, even if it’s just $1.
- Grab tickets for your friends now: You’re going to want to see this movie on opening night. Maybe you’ll go with all your friends. If you get your friends to get their tickets now, we’ll be able to make a better movie for you. So plan ahead, get your tickets, and help us shoot this thing properly.
Have a question?
- Ask your mom.
- If she doesn’t know, look at the FAQ (below) first.
- If your question isn’t answered here, then ask us.
- If you ask a question, be patient. We’ll respond as fast as we can, but there are a lot of you sending email, and only five of us. We’ll get there.

Q: Is a studio running this Indiegogo campaign with you?A: Not really. In fact, their lawyers wanted to make sure that we clearly stated the following: "Broken Lizard is solely responsible for these messages and fulfilling these obligations. No one else had anything to do with the creation of this page or with the campaign." (Which is true. Any bad jokes are ours too.)

A: As soon as we raise enough money, we’ll get started on pre-production. If this campaign goes really well, we’ll be able to start shooting sometime this summer, and we’d aim for a release date in early 2016.
A: What would be the point of that? It’d spoil the magic of your experience watching the movie. What the hell is the matter with you? You’re probably that person who jumps right to the last page of a book. You need help.
A: As with all crowdfunding campaigns, there’s always a chance that schedules will change, or that things will fall behind. But if this campaign is a hit, and we raise enough, we’ll start pre-production in May, shoot this summer, and release Super Troopers 2 early next year. (That could be less than a year from now!) And if that happens, here’s when you can probably expect to receive your perks:
Behind-the-Scenes Access
We’ll start sending you stuff during the campaign. It’ll keep coming until the movie comes out or you ask us to stop oversharing.
Digital Script
The digital script will be sent out a few days after Super Troopers 2 is released in theaters.
Fandango Movie Tickets
We’ll email you a ticket and instructions 1-2 weeks before the movie comes out in theaters.
T-Shirts, Mustaches, Badges, Aviators
We’ll send this stuff out about 4-6 weeks before the movie comes out, so that you have it in time for opening night. That’ll probably be in early 2016.
Movie Posters (signed & unsigned)
We’ll send these out 2-4 weeks after the movie is released in theaters.
Advance Screenings
Approximately 4-6 weeks before the movie comes out. (Should be late 2015/early 2016.)
Super Troopers 2
(Digital Downloads, DVDs, Blu-Rays) |
We’ll send you your digital, DVD and Blu-Ray copies of the movie as soon as it’s available in stores. If we can get it to you before everyone else, we will.
Other Movies
(DVDs, Blu-Rays) |
We’ll send your copies of other movies no later than 4-6 weeks before Super Troopers 2 comes out – maybe sooner? Early 2016 at latest.
Twitter Follows
We’ll start following you before the movie goes into production, so... within a month of the campaign?
Personalized Videos
We’ll shoot these on set, and send them out to you not long after we finish shooting. Fall/Winter 2015.
Red Carpet Premiere Events™
Approximately 1-2 weeks before the movie comes out. (Should be early 2016.)
Set Visits (Featured Extras)
Set visits will happen during production, which should be this summer (but it’s always possible that the dates could change). We’ll coordinate with you in advance.
BEERFEST Tournament: Chicago
We’re still working out the details, but plan to throw down with us in September/October 2015.
Private Theatrical Screenings
Within 1-2 weeks after the movie is released.
(Early 2016) |
Name a Character (Or Town)
We’ll be in touch to start working out your name before the campaign ends, or within a few weeks.
Join Us For A Baseball Game
Right after the campaign ends: May 2015.
Broken Lizard In Your Wedding Party
Check with us first so we can make sure your date works, before you drop that much dough.
Keep The Patrol Car
After the movie is released. Probably by summer 2016.
A: Movie tickets might not be available outside of the USA. We’ll try. If they’re not, we’ll send you something awesome instead, worth about the same amount. Also, please note that only US residents or international residents with valid work visas can be extras or have a speaking line in the movie.
Q: How will you know where to send my perks? What happens if I move before you send out the perks? How do I change my address?
A: Once the campaign ends, we’ll give you more details about how to get your perks, change your address, tell us your preferred perk details, and so on. Hot cream, be patient!
A: Knock yourself out, playgirl! You can make multiple pledges on Indiegogo using a single account. Just make sure you use the same email address and login, so we’ll know that all of your perks are meant to go to the same person.
A: If your perks include a Fandango Movie Ticket, you’re basically pre-ordering your movie ticket now, so that we can use the money to make the movie. A few weeks before the movie is released in theaters, you’ll receive a Fandango Movie Ticket, and instructions for using it, at the email address you provided here on Indiegogo.
Here are the most important things to know:
- Each Fandango Movie Ticket will be good for one movie ticket, worth up to $13 total value, to see Super Troopers 2 when it comes out.
- You’ll be able to grab your ticket from any Fandango partner theater in the USA, even the ones whose listings say “no coupons, no passes.” So there.
- We think you should use your Fandango Movie Ticket on opening night – or at a preview screening, if we can set them up – but either way, you’ll need to use it within four weeks of when the movie comes out, or it’ll expire.
- You’ll need to grab your ticket through Fandango.com or the Fandango app. You can’t just take our email to the theater and expect them to let you in. This isn’t communist Russia.
Here’s some other stuff the lawyers are making us include:
Fandango Promotional Code is good towards one movie ticket, up to $13 total value, to see Super Troopers 2 at Fandango partner theaters in the U.S. Fandango promotional code expiration date will be stated on the delivery email and void if not used within 4 weeks after delivery. Not for resale; void if sold or exchanged. Only valid for purchases made at fandango.com or via the Fandango app for Fandango partner theaters in the U.S. Neither Fandango nor Fandango Loyalty Solutions, LLC is a co-sponsor or sponsor of this promotion. The redemption of Fandango Promotional code is subject to Fandango’s terms and conditions at www.fandango.com/termsofuse.aspxand www.fandango.com/PurchasePolicy.aspx. ©2015 Fandango Loyalty Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Q: What if I'm supposed to get the Fandango Movie Ticket perk, and I don’t live in the United States, or near a theater me?
A: Well, the better our Indiegogo campaign does, the better our chances are to get the movie into a theater near you... so for now, the best way to avoid this is to encourage more friends to contribute, so you can all go see the movie together.
But: if your perks include a Fandango Movie Ticket, and the movie isn’t released in any theaters near you, we can either send you a partial refund of your contribution, or we can send you a cool surprise gift instead. Or you can just let us keep the extra cash to make the movie even better. Your call.
But: if your perks include a Fandango Movie Ticket, and the movie isn’t released in any theaters near you, we can either send you a partial refund of your contribution, or we can send you a cool surprise gift instead. Or you can just let us keep the extra cash to make the movie even better. Your call.
As far as international backers: we’ve only got a guaranteed plan for movie tickets in the United States. When we work out theatrical distribution in other countries, if we can, we'll look for ways to provide movie tickets. If the movie just doesn’t come to a theater near you – we’ll either give you a partial refund (up to $13) or send you an awesome surprise perk instead.
Q: What happens if I give you money for these perks, and the movie never gets made, or disaster strikes and it never comes out?
A: If some act of god keeps us from making the movie, we’d still send you any perks that we’re able to produce. (And then they'll be genuine collectibles!) For perks that we couldn’t produce on our own, such as the Fandango Movie Ticket, digital downloads, or DVDs, we would issue you a partial refund for the part of your contribution that would have paid for the perk.
A: We’re still working out the specifics, but we’ll do our best to make it available on all of the major platforms -- iTunes, Amazon, Google, whatever. Outside of the United States, the options might be different. We’ll keep you posted.
A: It’ll be a lot like that movie Beerfest. (Have you seen that? You should. It’s awesome.) We’re getting custom beerpong tables built, and up to 50 teams can enter to compete. A couple hundred more people will be able to hang out, watch, eat and drink. We’ll have a bracket, and teams of 2 will fight their way to the top, where they’ll play against the five of us. The winning team will get a trophy and 2 VIP Tickets to the Premiere/Afterparty of their choice, and all three top teams will get to keep one of the custom handmade tables we’re commissioning for the event.
A: If you want to be sure you’ll get to see Super Troopers 2 on the big screen, no matter where you live or how many theaters it gets released in, a few of you can reserve a private theatrical screening in your town. We’ll work with you to figure out a local theater, rent a screen, and do a private screening for you and up to 25 friends. It’ll be within 2 weeks of when the movie is released in theaters. The cast won’t be there, but we will throw in popcorn and soda!
A: Anything you (and we) can get cleared past the lawyers. Please don’t ruin our movie.
A: Anything that’s legal. We’re going to shoot them on set during production, so we can appear in costume. We can help you propose to your fiance, prank one of your friends, dump your terrible boyfriend or girlfriend, or sing you a lullabye. Get creative. Or if you’re not creative, just tell us. We’ll make up something for you.
A: The script isn’t finalized but don’t worry, we’ll select something that won’t necessarily make you look like an idiot. That part is up to you. But your role will definitely impact the narrative. You won’t just be standing there with your weenie in your hand. (Unless that impacts the narrative.)
A: Fuck yes. But we’ll have to figure out how to get it to you. We suggest coming out to get it, and driving it back. It’ll make a great road trip and a great story.
A: Snooze you lose bub. You gotta get these perks while they’re hot. So, contribute now. If possible, we'll increase the number of a few limited release perks and we’ll be adding a few more awesome perks throughout the month. So, stay tuned.

It great to hear that you guys decided to have a sequel. Hurray for everyone... Hope you'll raise enough funds for the better sequel!! you're really putting up am effort! FIGHT!!
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